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Montgomery Catholic Band Invited to Participate in Veteran’s Day Ceremony

Montgomery Catholic Band Invited to Participate in Veteran's Day Ceremony 1
Eric Crenshaw, Logan Stevens and William Russell
hold flags during the ceremony.

Master Sgt. Charles Manikas, Retired, special projects officer of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 607 invited Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Marching band to perform at a special Veteran’s Day ceremony at Greenwood Cemetery in Montgomery on Monday, November 11. Thirty-six MCPS band members performed the National Anthem and Taps in preparation for a United States of America flag disposal ceremony. An annual tradition for VVA Chapter 607, this year 200 tattered flags were properly disposed of because they were no longer fit to be displayed. The flags were folded and held close to the chest before being added to a fire. Montgomery Catholic students were honored to be part of this tradition this Veteran’s Day, showing respect and honor for our flag and those who have defended it.

Montgomery Catholic Band Invited to Participate in Veteran's Day Ceremony 2
Pictured: Lt. Col. Hal Winston, Retired U.S. Army speaks to Montgomery Catholic middle school student Ricky Treloar, after Ricky finished playing Taps during the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 607 Flag Disposal Ceremony on Veteran’s Day.

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