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Volunteer Opportunities

As a Catholic school, we encourage all parents and guardians to become part of our MCPS community through a spirit of volunteerism. There are a plethora of volunteer opportunities throughout the year for families to actively participate in the school’s mission and life.

All families are expected to give 40 service hours to the school.

Returning Volunteers

Every year Child Protect/Safe Environment Training must be updated. If more than two years have passed, then you must attend the Live, In-Person Training again. 

  1. RENEW ONLINE Child Protect/Safe Environment Training
    • Login to CMGConnect
    • Complete the current year renewal. It should take less than 10 minutes. 
  2. Complete paperwork and submit to your campus(es). Must be updated annually.
  3. Be current on Child Protect/Safe Environment Training. Must be renewed annually.

NEW Volunteers

Anyone who volunteers at any event for the school must have Child Protection Training.

  1. Go to
  2. Select “Click Here for Child Protection Training.”
  3. Read the instructions for First Time Volunteers/New Hires and then click the “Click Here to Begin” button. This will take you to the CMG Connect site where you will create an online account for child protection training registration.
  4. Complete the required information. (Fill in all star items completely.)
    • Select the Site that you will be volunteering at
    • Select your USCCB Role as “Volunteer”
    • Select the type of Volunteer that you will be (i.e. School, Parish, RE, Youth)
  5. Start the Live Training RSVP Curriculum (blue box).
    • Review the Archdiocesan policies.
    • Pre-register for a training class – Review the list of available trainings and RSVP for your event.
    • Complete the background check information – This must be completed in order to be approved.
    • **Note: Please make sure you provide your legal name when completing the background check information.
  6. Attend the training class. 
  7. Log in to your CMG Connect profile and complete the Be Safe – Drive Safe Video & Complete the Driver Questionnaire.
  8. Complete the appropriate driver paperwork.