Parent Teacher Council

The Parent Teacher Council welcomes you back to the new school year! As a key component of our school, the PTC provides support for the students, faculty, staff, and administration of each campus. Almost every aspect of school life is enhanced because of the dedication and commitment of this group. Your school fees included $10 for your PTC membership so there is no need to join separately, you are already a member! 

Things to know about your PTC:

  • We are one unified organization with a representative from each campus.
  • We plan to do ONE major school fundraiser (Classic Cookie Dough Sale) in the Fall. We will NOT conduct a second fundraiser in the Spring if we raise enough to cover annual expenses! We will have an option for “donation only” if you do not want to sell cookie dough but want to contribute.
  • We will continue to replace meetings with newsletters!  
  • Each campus organization supports its individual service projects (Donuts with Dads, Muffins with Moms, Grandparents’ Day, field day, etc.)
  • We have created a budget for the year with the activities we plan to support using the funds raised in our Fall Cookie Dough Sale. Any additional requests or funds will be agreed upon by the PTC representatives in consultation with MCPS administration. 

Please take the time to meet your local campus representative and do not forget to volunteer your time to this very busy and vital group! 

The Campus Representatives are: 

St. Bede Campus – Brandy Sponsler 

Holy Spirit Campus – Jill Porter

Middle School Campus – Allison Russo & Marie Thompson

High School – Campus – Erica Brooks & Colleen Reardon

Purpose of the Parent Teacher Council

The purpose of the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Parent Teacher Council (PTC) is to assist our school in carrying out service programs and activities to benefit a sound teaching program; to provide fundraising opportunities for the school; to encourage cooperation; to develop understanding between parents, school administration and faculty; to provide the necessary vital links of communication, interest, and support between school, students, and parents; and, to exemplify the spirit of unity to work for the betterment of the school and promote religious education.

We need help on Campus!

We encourage our families to invest in their students and our school community! Please volunteer! Be a chaperone, help with teacher luncheons and school events, work in the concession stand, whatever your gift we would love to have you be a part of our wonderful school community.