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Montgomery Catholic Students Give Back in Annual Food Drive

Montgomery Catholic is proud to support the St. Vincent de Paul Society’s Food Pantry each year during the Thanksgiving and Christmas seasons. We hold a canned food drive at all campuses in the weeks leading up to our Thanksgiving break. 

This year our four MCPS campuses collectively donated over 4,500 canned food items to donate to the food pantry. These canned food drives are a way to teach students about giving to those in need and to spread Christ’s love through practicing the corporal works of mercy in a tangible way. 

Last year, our high school house system instituted a Canstruction competition using the cans that each house donated during the drive. Members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society served as judges for our competition. Each house was tasked with creating a large, themed structure of their choice using their donation items. This year, our houses chose the themes of Mario Kart, USA, MCPS Football Stadium, and Interactive Games. We love our student’s creativity and love for service!

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