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Montgomery Catholic Students Elected to Leadership Positions for 2015 YMCA Youth Legislature Conference

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School had an exciting year participating in the YMCA Youth Legislature conference held at the Alabama State House. The program allows over 500 high school students to take over state government for three days. Participants are required to write a bill on a topic of their choice and take it through the legislative process. Exciting elections and debate take place as students learn about state government and parliamentary procedure.

Montgomery Catholic Students Elected to Leadership Positions for 2015 YMCA Youth Legislature Conference 1
MCPS junior Mary McLaughlin
named 2015 YMCA Youth Legislature
Secretary of State

This year Montgomery Catholic’s Mary McLaughlin, a junior, served as the Assistant Secretary of State where she learned the ins and outs of the office.  McLaughlun was elected to serve as the 2015 Secretary of State where she will assist the Youth Governor with the running of the conference.

Brian Anderson served as the First Year Floor Leader at the conference.  After a strong campaign, Anderson was elected to serve as the First Year Presiding Officer in 2015 where he will govern the debate of the First Year Chamber.  In addition, Anderson’s bill was just one of a few signed into law at the conference.  Both Anderson and Cheyenne Hayes were recognized as Outstanding Delegates for the First Year Chamber, while Elizabeth Overton and Rebecca White were chosen to participate in this year’s YMCA Conference on National Affairs in Black Mountain, North Carolina.  Overton will be representing Montgomery Catholic at the conference June 28-July 3.

We are also proud of the following students who served in an officer, cabinet, or media position at this 2014 YMCA Youth Legislature conference: Alex Castanza, Brian Anderson, James Sadie, Madison Bednarz, Cheyenne Hayes, Casey Lyerly, Allie Micher, Mary McLaughlin, and Elizabeth Overton. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Youth Legislature sponsors are High School History teachers Mrs.
Stephanie Nelson and Mr. Matthew Monson.

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