Montgomery Catholic’s Boys Leadership Council has been on a mission collecting books and donations to send to an all-girls school in Rwanda, Africa, for the past year. The service project, “Book and A Buck”, collects books and monetary donations in order to ship the books to the school. Montgomery Catholic’s high school Theology department welcomed Miss Rachel Snow to speak to all of the students about her experiences of teaching at the all-girls school, for which this project was done, in Rwanda, Africa, last year. Miss Snow spoke about the students, culture, her work there, and the Reconciliation project that is occurring because of the Rwandan genocide. She also showed a moving slide show of pictures from her experiences over the past year. Miss Snow is now starting a non-profit organization modeled after Montgomery Catholic’s “book and a buck” fundraiser to partner with area schools to do the same project for other schools in Africa.
Pictured: Montgomery Catholic’s Boys Leadership Council with their “Book and A Buck” Project which donated books to an all-girls school in Rwanda, Africa. Boys Leadership Council Sponsor Mr. Ryan Bravata, Miss Rachel Snow, BLC members Walt Cobb, Will Balchunas, Jake Clark, David DeVries, Aidan Gilbert, Tommy Wujcik, and Jacob McAlpine.