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Montgomery Catholic Students Assist in Enterprise Recovery

Montgomery Catholic Students Assist in Enterprise Recovery 1Following the devastation that swept through Alabama on March 1st, the students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School felt compelled to help other students in need. On Friday, March 9th, the high school’s Government Club organized a “dress-down” day where students donated $3 for a day “out of uniform.” The club collected over $650 in cash and two boxes of school supplies which they will combine with the YMCA Youth in Government donations. The Middle School is hosting a “dress-down” day on Friday, March 16th to raise money for relief as well.

On Saturday, March 10th, High School Principal Sue Vaughn took six students to the storm-torn area to volunteer with St. John’s Catholic Church in Enterprise. The church is adjacent to the hard-hit Enterprise High School. Students Austin Barranco and Javier Soch helped remove glass and debris from a soccer field while Lauren Starr, Stephanie Cochrane, Caroline Starr, and Rebecca Hails helped to organize food boxes, toiletries, and clothing at the church.

A second trip to Enterprise is planned for mid-April to help St. John’s Catholic Church relocate from two destroyed buildings. Sue Vaughn says that Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is now registered with and Ms. Vaughn participates in a weekly conference call to hear the latest information on need and volunteering opportunities.

Pictured: from left to right: Montgomery Catholic students Caroline Starr, Rebecca Hails, Stephanie Cochrane, Austin Barranco, Javier Soch, Lauren Starr, and Ms. Sue Vaughn pause at the devastation at Enterprise High School.

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