Three Montgomery Catholic students’ artwork has been selected for inclusion in the “You, Hue, and Babar” exhibition at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art. Over 300 pieces of student artwork were submitted from fifteen schools in the River Region.
Montgomery Catholic senior Mary Sullivan, juniors Lauren Gore and Caroline Starr’s artwork will be on display in the ARTWORKS Corridor of the Montgomery Musuem of Fine Art through June 1, 2008. Montgomery Catholic’s art instructor is Ms. Joane Grant.
For the exhibit “You, Hue, and Babar,” students mimicked a portrait from the MMFA permanent collection incorporating the Museum’s artistic duck, Hue, into the art.
On Thursday, March 27th, the students, their families, and their art instructors were invited to the opening gala for “You, Hue, and Babar,” “Portrait Photographs by Yousuf Karsh (1908-2002)” and “Babar’s Museum of Art.”
Pictured above: Montgomery Catholic junior Caroline Starr poses by her artwork on display at the opening of “You, Hue, and Babar” at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Art.
By: Mary Sullivan

By: Lauren Gore