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Montgomery Catholic Team Third Highest Fundraiser at Jingle Bell Run

Montgomery Catholic Team Third Highest Fundraiser at Jingle Bell Run 1

For the third year in a row, Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s team at the Jingle Bell Run for Arthritis raised over $2,000 and was the third highest fundraising team at this year’s event.  The race begins and ends on the beautiful campus of Huntingdon College and weaves through historic Cloverdale neighborhoods. With 60 team members, Montgomery Catholic raised $2,767 to battle this crippling disease which affects over 46 million Americans today.

Several Montgomery Catholic team members placed in the top three chipped times for their age groups.  Nick Smith won first place, Jarrett Mason placed second, and Mackenzie Colvin third in their respective age categories.  Alex Taylor, the son of high school principal Fran Taylor, also won a first place trophy in his age group.  Montgomery Catholic’s team captain was Tracie Colvin.

Montgomery Catholic’s 2010 Jingle Bell Run team members were Beverly Barnette, Ashley Barranco, Julie Barranco, Ellie Burden, Sarah Rose Burden, Anne Ceasar, Chris Cochrane, Charlie Colvin, Hayes Colvin, Mackenzie Colvin, Tracie Colvin, Tricia Crowley, Ann Marie Dean, Laura Dean, Mary Elizabeth Dean, Kyle Eller, Ruth Glenboski, Liz Gregorius, Patrick Gregorius, Laurie Gulley, Anne Hails, Richard Harbin, Elizabeth Karst, Mary Kelley, Anna Kimbrough, Heather Kirklin, Ken Klinger, Ben Koepele, Cameron Koepele, Steve Koepele, Hannah Masingill, Katie Masingill, Jarrett Mason, Jenny Mason, Kate McOmber, Kenslie McOmber, Nathan McOmber, Hunter Miller, Matt Pouncey, Maria Smith, Nick Smith, Josh Stark, Jerry Taff, Jessica Taff, LuAnne Taff, Shelby Taff, Sarah Talbot, Alex Taylor, Fran Taylor, John Terino, Katherine Terino, Lizzie Terino, Paige Thaxton, Karen Weber, Sara Wilson, Julie Wood, Kirstin Wood, Barr Younker, and Cappy Younker.

Click on the link to view pictures of Montgomery Catholic at the 2010 Jingle Bell Run.

Pictured:  Members of Montgomery Catholic’s 2010 Jingle Bell Run team pause to meet the Chick-Fil-A cow on the Huntingdon College campus.

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