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Montgomery Catholic Crowns 2008 Homecoming Queen & King

Montgomery Catholic Crowns 2008 Homecoming Queen & King 1Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School announced their Homecoming Court and crowned the Queen and King for 2008 during the half-time festivities on Friday, September 26, 2008.

The Freshmen Class attendant is Miss Amanda Logan escorted by Mr. Jacob McAlpine. Logan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Logan. Amanda is a Junior Varsity Cheerleader and a member of the Pep Club. McAlpine is the son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Gaylon McAlpine. Jacob participates in football, basketball, and soccer at Catholic and is the President of the Freshmen Class.

The Sophomore Class attendant is Miss Mary Allison Tyner escorted by Mr. Kenny Davison. Tyner is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tyner. Mary Allison dances with a semi-professional dance company, studies voice at Huntingdon College, and is active in the Girls’ Leadership Club at Catholic. Davison is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davison. Kenny is a member of the Varsity basketball and baseball teams as well as a Junior High Jimmy Hitchcock Award nominee for Catholic.

The Junior Class attendant is Miss Sarah Armstrong escorted by Mr. Michael D’Argenio. Armstrong is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brett Armstrong. Sarah is a member of the Varsity Cheerleading squad, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Key Club and Pep Club. D’Argenio is the son of Lt. Col. and Mrs. Michael D’Argenio. Michael is the captain of the Cross Country team, percussionist for the Marching Knights, and is a core team member of the youth group at Church of the Holy Spirit.

The Senior Class attendants are Miss Kelsey Steffen escorted by Mr. Cater Elliot and Miss Hannah Been escorted by Mr. John Dugan. Steffen is the daughter of Mr. Henrique Roelho and Mrs. Barbara Steffen. Kelsey serves as the chaplain for the Lady Knights soccer team, vice president of the Pep Club, and is a member of the yearbook staff. Elliot is the son of Mr. William Elliot and Mrs. Rhonda Stewart. Cater is an active member of the Key Club, Pep Club, and Government Club. Hannah Been is the daughter of Col. and Mrs. David Been. Hannah is a member of the Varsity Cheerleading squad, dances on a competition dance team, and is a member of the National Honor Society. John Dugan is the son of Mr. John Dugan and Ms. Colleen Dugan. John is a member of the Varsity football team, enjoys wake boarding, skiing, snowboarding, and playing golf.

The 2008 Homecoming Queen & King are Miss Mara McCracken and Mr. Austin Barranco. McCracken is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chris McCracken. Mara plays on the Varsity Volleyball team and is a member of the club volleyball team “Dig It Alabama” where she has been voted the most valuable player. Barranco is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barranco. Austin is the president of the Senior Class, was the House floor leader at this year’s YMCA Youth Legislature, and represented the United States at the International Youth Festival in Prague, Poland this summer. Austin will also serve as a delegate to the Conference on National Affairs.

The Homecoming dance was held on Saturday night at the St. Bede Family Life Center.
To view pictures from the event, click here:

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