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Montgomery Catholic Celebrates 100th Day of School

Montgomery Catholic Celebrates 100th Day of School 1Kindergarten students at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School celebrated the 100th day of school by doing everything in 100 ways. The children enjoyed a hundred item snack of trail mix and a giant cookie cake with 100 M&Ms. Each child brought in a collection of 100 things including buttons, erasers, silly bands, screws, marshmallows, pennies, candies, crayons, and many other creative things. The students read stories about the 100th day of school, made a lady bug with 100 dots, a 100 heart love bug, jumped 100 jumps, clapped 100 claps and even drew pictures of themselves of what they thought they would look like at 100 years old! The children, and teachers, enjoyed a wonderful fay of learning, counting, and fun!

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Kindergarten students in Mrs. Redden’s class with 100 of their favorite snack items. L to R standing: John Tracy, Matthew Reardon, Will Driver, McKinley Boyd, Erik Azar, James Bender, Ailish Gilbert, and Haley Gordon. L to R seated: Layne Jordan, Autumn Sekerak, Cecelia Crawford, and Julian Macchia.

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