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Our History of Growth

Capital Projects & Campaigns

Building on Faith, Family and Tradition Capital Campaign

The Building on Faith, Family & Tradition capital campaign raised over $3.6 million in the eleven months after the campaign began in 2016. Groundbreaking for the new gym took place on October 10, 2017, and the first phase of the campaign saw the completion of a 33,000 square foot athletic complex which was opened in August 2019. The second phase saw the conversion of the Fr. Delahunty Gym into a climate-controlled fine and performing arts building that houses the band, choral, and drama departments. The renovated building features classrooms for band and chorus, individual practice rooms, instrument storage, and offices for faculty. There is also a student center that serves as a gathering space to facilitate club meetings and other activities. The performing arts building was dedicated in February 2020.

Previous Phases of Capital Campaign

Faith in Education Capital Campaign

Beginning in 1998, our  Catholic community laid out a five-phased capital development program for the future of Catholic education in Montgomery, entitled “Faith in Education”. (A footprint of the  master plan can be accessed here.) 

The first phase of the capital development, completed in 1999,  focused on two main areas:

  • The renovation of the main building, including student bathrooms, a new chapel, conference room, and chaplain’s office complex, and stabilization of the existing foundation
  • The addition of a Sister Martha Belke Science/Media center. This is being used by the high school now, and will also be for the future use of middle school students for computers, science classes, foreign language electives and access to the library.

The second phase was 3-faceted, completed in 2004:

  • The addition of new parking to make way for the expansion and renovation of the athletic fields (completed, November 2000).
  • The addition of a new softball field, renovation and move of the baseball field, practice fields for football and soccer, fencing, sodding of baseball and softball fields, dug-outs, irrigation system, well,  concrete slabs and walkways, batting cages, and the donor courtyard (dedicated in April, 2003 
  • The redesign and modernization of the football/soccer field, new lights, bleachers, and concession area  completed Fall, 2004.

The third phase was our middle school, completed in July 2004:

  • The two previous K-8 elementary schools, St. Bede and Queen of Mercy, were changed to K-6 schools, and the middle school has grades 7-8th.
  • The Council voted unanimously to name this building after Dr. Tom “Doc” Doyle, who served as principal and president of our school from 1973-2001.

The fourth phase was “Full Steam Ahead” and included the Dolly Barranco Student Activity Center, Miles History Hall, general campus upgrades at the High School & St. Bede, completed in 2008.

  • A new student activity center/cafeteria, to be named after Dolly Barranco, our cafeteria manager of 25 years.
  • The renovation of the existing cafeteria into four classrooms
  • The enlargement of our school chapel to accommodate our additional students.
  • The enlargement of the gym locker-rooms to support our athletic programs
  • The refurbishment of the main building of our elementary campus at St. Bede.
  • The creation of a “Teacher Excellence Fund”, which will allow us to supplement salaries of our best teachers.

2.8 million dollars was raised by September 2007.