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First Catholic Basketball Showcase Hosted at Montgomery Catholic January 3

Montgomery Catholic hosted four basketball games in the first Alabama Catholic Basketball Showcase on Saturday, January 3, 2015.  The Showcase matched up two schools from the Archdiocese of Mobile (Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School and Mobile’s McGill Toolen High School) and two schools from the Diocese of Birmingham (Huntsville’s Saint John Paul II High School and Birmingham’s John Carroll High School).  The Archdiocese/Diocese that won three of the four games would bring home the Bishops Cup Trophy. The Archdiocese of Mobile had a clean sweep winning all four games. Phillip Murphy, Head Coach of the McGill Toolen Boys Varsity Basketball team will present the Bishop’s cup trophy to Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi this week in Mobile.

At the end of each game there were two people selected for the Showcase All-star team and one person was named MVP of the game.

Game 1: Varsity Girls from Montgomery Catholic faced Saint John Paul II, and won with a 57-38 victory.
Montgomery Catholic
’s Iyana Tate named to All-Star team scored 21
 points, and Catholic’s Regime Parker was named MVP with 20 points.  Saint John Paul II
’s Caitlin Potts was named to the All-Star team and had 12
 points, her team mate Alesandra Lee was close behind scoring 11

Game 2:
  Varsity Boys from Montgomery Catholic faced Saint John Paul II, Final Score 69-54, Catholic.
Montgomery Catholic was led by Showcase MVP Reggie Gee with 20 points and 8 rebounds,
All-Star team member Jacob Winston with 18 points and 5 assists, and Reggie Jackson with 11 points 10 rebounds. Saint John Paul II  was led by All-Star team member Tyler Maze with 14 points and Jarrett Thompson with 11 points.

Game 3:  Varsity Girls from McGill Toolen faced John Carroll, and won 65
McGill Toolen’s Shelby Hall was named a Showcase MVP with 25 points, and Raquel Waller was named to the All-Star team with 10 points. John Carroll
’s Ronnie Richardson scored 16 points and was named to the All-star Team and Kelseyville Hobbs had 10 points.

Game 4:
 Varsity Boys from McGill Toolen faced John Carroll and won 72-32
McGill Toolen ‘s Larry Rember with 12 points was named Showcase MVP and Ben Robinette had 12 points and was named to the All-Star team. John Carroll 
Jackson Hughes has 20 Points and was named to the All-star Team.

The Showcase was sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, who provided the Bishop Cup Trophy, medals for the all-star team members and the MVP of each game, T-shirts for all athletes and cooked the food for the hospitality room for all the team players, refs and coaches.

First Catholic Basketball Showcase Hosted at Montgomery Catholic January 3 1

Presnetation of the Bishop Cup.  McGill sealed the sweep for the Archdiocese of Mobile with the win over John Carroll.

First Catholic Basketball Showcase Hosted at Montgomery Catholic January 3 2

Picture of All-star team and MVP’s for first two games from left to right: Saint John Paul II- Tyler Maze Showcase All-star Team, Montgomery Catholic – Jacob Winston Showcase All-star team, Montgomery Catholic- Iyana Tate Showcase All-star team, Montgomery Catholic – Regime Parker Showcase MVP, Saint John Paul II- Caitlin Pott Showcase All-star team, Montgomery Catholic- Reggie Gee Showcase MVP.

First Catholic Basketball Showcase Hosted at Montgomery Catholic January 3 3

From left to right: McGill Toolen Ben Robinette Showcase All-star team; John Carroll Jackson Hughes Showcase All-star team; McGill Toolen Larry Rember Showcase MVP

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