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Montgomery Catholic Blog

Montgomery Catholic senior Maddie O’Mara was presented with the Girl Scout Gold Award on Saturday, September 14 at the Girl Scouts of...
Both the Montgomery Catholic Termite and Pee Wee football teams claimed titles Saturday, September 21 at the Hooper Academy Jamboree. The Termite Knights started the...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory is thankful for the involvement and gifts that our Parish clergy bring to campus. The 2013-2014 school year at...
Holy Spirit Campus Kindergarten Student Barrett Beesley welcomed his Nana (Jackie Tatum), Grand-dad, Granny (Roger and Linda McKean)and Grandma (Cecilia Beesley) to Grandparents...
Mr. Barwick helps Chase Stewart & Seullee Baek with the fifth step in  the Science Olympiad Rube Goldberg machine. The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory...
The Kindergarten classes at Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede campus read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. As a culmination project, the students merged...


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