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Montgomery Catholic Blog

Montgomery Catholic Senior Volleyball players end the year at the Area Volleyball tournament hosted at Trinity on October 21, 2014. The Class...
At the inaugural AUM Warhawk Challenge Cross Country Meet, 23 teams vied for honors and Montgomery Catholic emerged as one of the...
Saturday, October 18 was a beautiful day for Montgomery Catholic to host the first Capitol City Conference (CCC) Pee Wee and Termite...
On Sunday, October 19, students from the Montgomery Catholic Key Club volunteered at the 3rd Annual HALO Make a Memory Event at...
Montgomery Catholic’s JV Volleyball Team competed in the Prattville High School Smash Volleyball Tournament on September 26 and 27. Twelve teams competed...
Montgomery Catholic Drum Major William Russell The Marching Knights participated in the Daleville Marching Classic Saturday, September 27. The Knights ranked superior in...


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