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Montgomery Catholic Students Thrive at 61st annual YMCA Youth Legistlature

Montgomery Catholic Students Thrive at 61st annual YMCA Youth Legistlature 1Members of the MCPS Government Club participated in the 61st Annual YMCA Alabama Youth Legislature Conference that was held on April 3 – 5, with our own Roscoe Anderson, Youth Governor, presiding over the events.

Attending with Roscoe were Austin Barranco (House Floor Leader), Barbara Bradley, D’Jara Britton (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), Jacob Burke, Lora Burke, Matthew Copeland (Cabinet, Communications Director), Michael D’Argenio, Autumn Guillot, Rebecca Hails, Ashley Johnson (Press), Kevin Norris, Cameron Powell, Cleo Smith (Cabinet, Senior Counsel), Caroline Starr (Cabinet, Department of Corrections), Joseph Sutton (Chaplain, First Year Chamber), Constance Taylor (Lobbyist), and Thomas Visco (Secretary of State).

Many bills were brought before the House and Senate chambers for debate, and Governor Anderson actually signed 15 bills into law, including First Year Bill 36, written by Delegates Kevin Norris and Cameron Powell, requiring that all swimming pools in the State be enclosed by a 5-foot fence.

Each one of our students had a successful weekend, and several were recognized at the Awards Ceremony. Kevin Norris and Cameron Powell were given Outstanding Statesman awards. Others were honored by being invited to attend the Council on National Affairs (CONA) to be held this summer in Black Mountain, NC. Those invited include Roscoe Anderson, Austin Barranco, D’Jara Britton and Thomas Visco, who was awarded the Distinguished Service Award, which provides the recipient with free registration to CONA. D’Jara Britton, who mounted a successful campaign, was elected to serve next year as Lieutenant Governor.

The Junior Youth Legislature Conference, held on Friday, April 3, was equally as exciting. Attending were Sterling Anderson, Elena D’Argenio, Chad DuBois (Floor Leader), Gabriela Hayes, Jordan Heymann, Zach Hulcher, Megan Karst, Megan Lewis, Daria McCracken, David Norris, Taylor Pitters, Jack Starr, Maggie Starr, Sarah Talbot. Delegates Zach Hulcher and David Norris were named Outstanding Statesman.

Special thanks go to Susan Starr, Caitlin Cameron, Jessica Stanfield and Daniel Bowen. Pictured is Alabama Youth Governor and Montgomery Catholic senior Roscoe Anderson just before addressing the Chamber at the 61st Annual YMCA Youth Legislature Program.

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