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Montgomery Catholic Inducts New NHS Members and Honors Senior Members

The Loretto Chapter of the National Honor Society at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School inducted twenty-two new members into their society during an Induction Ceremony Monday, April 12, 2017 in Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Dolly Barranco Activity Center.

The National Honor Society (NHS), established in 1921, is a national recognition program for students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. High School students are selected for membership through an application process and are selected by the faculty council. Candidates must meet the chapter’s requirement for scholarship, service, leadership and character in order to be selected for membership. Continued participation in service projects and upholding the ideals of the school are required to retain membership. Members must also maintain the chapter’s required cumulative grade point average.

The newest members of the Loretto Chapter are: Johnny An, Aimee Azar, Carrie Belsterling, Alex Brockmann, Trinity Carter, Jessie Clark, Luke Craig, Katie Fischer, Hannaley Haigler, Ryne Herbek, Lisa Hong,Ryan Janson, Minseok Kim, Garret McGinn, Jenni Morgan, Kamryn Morris, Collin Neal, Chloe Newell, Anna Nutting, Henry Petters, David Poole, Paige Rentfro, Ethan Ronan, Katie Slear, Annabel Starrett, Matthew Taylor, Aleigha Walden, Angela Wheat, and Chalsea Williams.

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Pictured below are the 2017-2017 NHS officers that were also announced, they are from left to right:Anna Nutting– Vice President, Paige Rentfro– President, Chloe Newell– Treasurer, and  Jenni Morgan– Secretary.
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The Class of 2017 members of NHS also received their honor cords, they were: Riley Aaron,  Ivy Bach,
David Bender, Adam Bristol– 2016 NHS Secretary, Francisco Gonzalez-Ansaldi, Nicholas Homsher, Lisa Hong, Devin Kelly, Audrey Kim – 2016 NHS President , Minseok Kim, Kayanna McKenzie, David Poole,  Julia Rodriguez – 2016 NHS Vice-President, Ethan Ronan, James Sadie, Katie Slear, Lauren Smith, Nate Smith, Zach VanAlst – 2016 NHS Treasurer and Hugh Walker. 
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A reception hosted by the 2016 National Honor Society members for the new members and their families immediately followed the ceremony. Mrs. Stefanie Nelson acts as the faculty sponsor for Montgomery Catholic’s National Honor Society.

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