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Montgomery Catholic Hosts 17th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast

Montgomery Catholic Hosts 17th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s sophomore class hosted the annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast for the entire high school student body and many special guests on Fat Tuesday, February 28, 2017.  The day began in the wee hours of the morning with members of the sophomore class transforming the Dolly Barranco Activity Center into a Mardi Gras themed restaurant while cooking and serving a delicious pancake breakfast for nearly 400 guests.  Sophomore SGA officers  Austin Collett, Anna Catherine Barranco and Zoe Rutland welcomed guests and invited everyone to write down their Lenten promises which will hang in the main hall of the High School next to the Chapel. Guests were invited to stop and read the promises throughout Lent and say a prayer for those who made them. Father Patrick Driscoll from Holy Spirit  Catholic Church opened with prayer. 

Montgomery Catholic Hosts 17th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast 2

Anna Catherine Barranco, the sophomore class president introduced the speaker for the event. This year Mrs. Lori Riggles, a dedicated Montgomery Catholic teacher and parent was the keynote speaker. She is the mother of an Montgomery Catholic Alumnus and and two current students, Mari Caitlin (10th) and Emily (8th).  Anna Catherine also gave closing remarks thanking all of the Prayer Breakfast sponsors, including: Chappy’s Deli; Alaga Syrup; Craig Sherman, MCPS Cafeteria Manager; Sharon Kelly, MCPS Cafeteria Assistant; Alex Johnson, MCPS Band Director and the MCPS Band; and the Sophomore Class parents and Sophomore Class sponsor Mrs. Sarah Berg. Deacon Raymond Gueret from Holy Spirit Catholic Church offered the Benediction to end the event, after tenth grade student Victoria Hardy lead those gathered in “Lord Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary”.

This is the seventeenth year Montgomery Catholic has hosted the Prayer Breakfast as a class retreat and service project for the school, previously hosted by the junior class, 2017 is the first year the sophomore class has taken on the responsibility.

Montgomery Catholic Hosts 17th Annual Mardi Gras Prayer Breakfast 3
Deacon Jim Labadie, Mr. Tom Riello, Deacon Ray Gueret and Fr. Linn Harbour

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