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Montgomery Catholic Blog

Fifty Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Key Club members did over 600 hours of community service over the summer. With a focus on...
Two Montgomery Catholic Preparatory Seniors attended the 2013 American Legion Alabama Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Alabama Girls State conventions at...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School has 21 seventh graders who have qualified for the The Duke University Talent Identification Program or Duke TIPS...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Senior Guillermo Ravelo attended The Futures Institute: Shaping Tomorrow Now at Duke University for two weeks over the...
Ninth Grade MCPS student Ansley Rhode, with her donation for Locks of Love. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory Students continue to give to those...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School rising Senior, Maddie O’Mara attended the Women’s Technology Program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) for a month...


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