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Montgomery Catholic Blog

MCPS students pick up trash in the campuses neighboring park as part of the Lenten Day of Service on March 26. “Even...
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s (MCPS) budding scientists competed in the State Science Olympiad competition on March 16 at Huntingdon College in Montgomery.The...
Montgomery Catholic sixth grade teacher, Mrs. Lori Riggles encouraged her students to write an essay for a contest held by Creative Communication,...
Art students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School participated in the 6th Annual Empty Bowls Project, a fundraiser for the Montgomery Area Food...
Congratulations to our Middle School students who achieved Honor Roll status for third quarter. “A” Honor Roll students are: Amy Azar, Ivy Bach, David Bender, Lita Blackburn, Jessie...
Mrs. Tina Rutland’s Montgomery Catholic first grade students watch  from their class room as Pope Francis was introduced on Wednesday, March 13. ...


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