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Two Seniors Selected as NCA Instructors

Two Seniors Selected as NCA Instructors 1Two Montgomery Catholic Varsity Cheerleaders, Kristin Sutton and Emily Younker, have been selected as National Cheerleading Association (NCA) Instructors for the 2007 summer camp season. Both Kristin Sutton and Emily Younker have been selected as NCA All-American Cheerleaders for two years in a row and cheered during the pre-show festivities at the Orange Bowl in both 2006 and 2007.

Following graduation from Montgomery Catholic, Kristin and Emily will fly to Chicago over the Memorial Day weekend to receive training and attend their first staff meeting. They will work this summer at various cheer camps throughout the southeast as cheer instructors. The girls hope to travel and work together as much as possible. They are both looking forward to the possibility of teaching at Auburn University so they can work with cheerleaders from Montgomery, and maybe even the Montgomery Catholic squads as they attend camp this summer.

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