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Two Montgomery Catholic Students Give a Gift to those in Need

Two Montgomery Catholic Students Give a Gift to those in Need 1
Ninth Grade MCPS student Ansley Rhode,
with her donation for Locks of Love.

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory Students continue to give to those in need outside of school. This summer ninth grade student Ansley Rhode and first grade student Sophia Lopez both chose to cut their hair and make a donation to Locks of Love.

Locks of Love’s mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.

Ansley has been growing her hair out for three years in order to donate to Locks of Love. On Wednesday, July 10 she got 10 inches of her hair cut at Salon Couture by Marty Mueller. Although a bit nervous, Ansley knew this would make a difference in someones life, and the made it worth it for her. Ansley was inspired to donate to Locks of Love by her sister Abby who donated her hair 2 years ago. She and her sister both plan to continue donating their hair in the future. Ansley is the daughter of Brenda and Chuck Rohde of Montgomery.
Two Montgomery Catholic Students Give a Gift to those in Need 2

Two Montgomery Catholic Students Give a Gift to those in Need 3
First Grade MCPS student Sophia Lopez, donates for the first time.

Sophia was excited to get short hair and bangs!  She was equally as excited when she learned she could make someone who is very sick “happy” again by donating her long hair to be made into a wig. Her mother Julie Lopez said, “it was a proud parenting moment, and one that illustrated and conveyed love far better than words ever could.” Sophia went to Voila! Salon in Pike Road to have her hair cut by Maegan Humphries in July. Sophia loves her new, sassy, grown-up ‘do. Her parents, Julie and Rod Lopez of Montgomery, are very proud of her.

Visit for more information on donations to Locks of Love.

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