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PICE Hosts Middle School Career Day

PICE Hosts Middle School Career Day 1Partners in Catholic Education (PICE) hosted their annual Middle School Career Day at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School on Friday, February 29. Speakers from many professions presented information about their area of expertise with the students.

Children’s clothing designer Judy Barranco and jewelry designer Chris Bowen spoke to the students about elements of design in their craft and small business ownership. Justing Castanza ’01 and Mariangela Sullivan shared their teaching background with the students. Tim McCormack ’02 and Christi Hurd described what it is like working as a coach and physical therapist with athletes. Mike Barranco ’80 and Johnny Flowers spoke about accounting, the stock market, and financial planning. Bill Schaum described his experiences behind the camera in television, mass media, and film. Sally VanPatten and Montgomery County Sheriff DT Marshall spoke with the students about law enforcement.

Each of the speakers were paired with a similar field to present information in each of the classrooms. The students were divided into six small groups which rotated through each of the speaker’s sessions.

Career Day is sponsored each spring by Partners in Catholic Education.

Pictured: Mr. Mike Barranco ’80 explains the stock market to students at Montgomery Catholic’s Middle School Career Day.

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