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Montgomery Catholic’s Stevens Overall Best Drum Major at Lake Martin Invitational Band Competition

Montgomery Catholic's Stevens Overall Best Drum Major at Lake Martin Invitational Band Competition 1

The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Marching Band attended the Lake Martin Invitational Band Competition in Alex City on Saturday, October 3, 2015. The Band did quite well bringing home all superior ratings and Best-in-Class Drum Major for Montgomery Catholic senior Logan Stevens.

Superior ratings were received in the following categories: Overall Band, Percussion, Color Guard, and Drum Major. Stevens award named him Best in Class Drum Major in class 2A.

The 2015 Montgomery Catholic Marching Knights are: Skye  Alexander, Ryan Avery, Maria Barragan, Anna Catherine Barranco, Bailey Batten, David Bender, Nick Bowden, Adam Bristol, Marie Bristol, Cammie Brown, Kaelen Brunson, Ralph Clements, Bobby Crawford, Eric Crenshaw, Marissa Dogan, Lainie Doyle, John Faulkner, Kernessia Gadson, Jonah Gier, Ezequiel Gonzalez, Francisco Gonzalez, Jonathan Guevara,Victoria Hall, Ashley Hayes, Cheyenne Hayes, Savannah Johnson, Anna Marie Koerner, Ashleigh Little, Maddie Losik,Katie McDaniel, Sean Moore, Zach Moore, Jevon Murdock, Charlie O’Donnell, Isabella Padilla, Clayton Peeler, Jackson Penso, Katie Perkins, Henry Petters, Jeremy Ramirez, Annie Reed, Darian Riley, Hyuntaek Seo, Alex Smith, Mary Reagan Starrett, Logan Stevens, Emily Talbot, Maggie Tippett, Ricky Treloar, Hannah Vaccaro, Beth Vaughan, Chris Waring, Angela Wheat,Clint Williams, with Band Aides: Jasmine Blakeney, Angela Gier, Connor Lee, Koen McDaniel, Emily Riggles, Kyla Stinson,  and Cacey Williams.

The Band is directed by Mr. Alex Johnson and Color Guard is coached by Mrs. Sarah Rech and Mrs. Maggie O’Donnell.

Pictured are 2015 Marching Band members: Isabella Padilla, Marissa Dogan, Henry Petters, David Bender, Adam Bristol, Mary Reagan Starrett, Logan Stevens, Beth Vaughn, Maddie Losik, Katie McDaniel, Eric Crenshaw, Skye Alexander, and Anna Marie Koerner with the Band’s Lake Martin Invitational trophies.

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