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Montgomery Catholic’s Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society Welcomes Auburn University’s Katherine Perry to Campus

Montgomery Catholic's Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society Welcomes Auburn University's Katherine Perry to Campus 1
Montgomery Catholic’s chapter of Mu Alpha Theta hosted “Saving the World, One Graph at a Time”.
Pictured; Mrs. Terrica Carlisle, Nadine Moussalli, Auburn’s Katherine Perry, Claire Fischer and Dr. Joe Profio. 
On the afternoon of Monday, October 5, 2015,  Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s chapter of Mu Alpha Theta hosted a community event in the school library for those students and parents interested in geometry and beyond. “Saving the World, One Graph at a Time” was presented by Auburn University Graduate Teaching Assistant Katherine Perry. Perry was introduced by MCPS senior Nadine Moussalli, before giving an introductory talk on graph theory and its applications. 

Mu Alpha Theta is a national honorary for students who distinguish themselves in Mathematics.In its second year, the Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Chapter of Mu Alpha Theta officers were introduced, they are: Nadine Moussalli, President and Claire Fischer Vice President. The chapter is sponsored by MCPS high school math teachers Mrs. Terrica Carlisle and Dr. Joe Profio. After Perry’s presentation, the attendees were invited to stay for continued conversations and dinner. 

Inductions of new members will be held in November.

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