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Montgomery Catholic’s Holy Spirit Campus Welcomes Grandparents

Montgomery Catholic's Holy Spirit Campus Welcomes Grandparents 1
Holy Spirit Campus Kindergarten Student Barrett Beesley welcomed his Nana (Jackie Tatum), Grand-dad, Granny (Roger and Linda McKean)and Grandma (Cecilia Beesley) to Grandparents day on September 5. He is a second generation Knight and the son of Amy and Reid Beesley of Montgomery.

Montgomery Catholic's Holy Spirit Campus Welcomes Grandparents 2Montgomery Catholic's Holy Spirit Campus Welcomes Grandparents 3
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Holy Spirit Campus welcomed Grandparents to campus on Thursday, September 5, 2013. The day began with MCPS students celebrating Mass at Holy Spirit Catholic Church with their Grandparents. Father Patrick Driscoll and Father Phillip McKenna were the celebrants. Afterwards, students and their guests were invited to the Parish Hall for a visit and enjoyed donuts, coffee and juice provided by the MCPS Holy Spirit Campus Parent Teacher Council.  Grandparents had an opportunity to have their picture made with their students by The Studio at Eastchase before they were invited back to the classrooms.  The lower grades entertained their grandparents with a program while the older students worked on an assignment with their Grandparents or introduced them to their classmates. Having generations of families on campus is a continued tradition at Montgomery Catholic, and will continue to be as MCPS celebrates 140 years of continuous education in Montgomery.

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