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Montgomery Catholic’s Bartels Receives Grand Recognition through Duke TIP Program

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School proudly announces six middle school students who have earned State Recognition for their ACT scores by the Duke Talent Identification Program, one of which, received Grand Recognition (one of only 1,600 nationwide).

Montgomery Catholic's Bartels Receives Grand Recognition through Duke TIP Program 1
Sadie Bartels

The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) identifies academically talented seventh grade students in sixteen states across the Southeast, Midwest, and Southwest who have scored at the 95th percentile or above on standardized achievement tests. Montgomery Catholic had 18 middle school students who qualified to participate in the Duke TIP Program last fall with six students high enough scores to have qualified for state recognition.

Montgomery Catholic students who will be honored at the Duke Talent Search State Recognition Ceremony are Sadie Bartels (pictured left), Pictured below from left to right: Grace Hoffman, Zach Izer, Julienne Pharrams, Brian Povilus and Maggie Turner. Sadie Bartels received Grand Recognition for receiving a ACT score of 28. She is the daughter of Mandy and Clay Bartels of Pike Road, Alabama.

Montgomery Catholic is very proud of these hard working students. Congratulations!

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