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Montgomery Catholic’s Advanced Band Receives Supeior Rankings at 2016 MPA Compitition

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School had a great day at the annual District VI Alabama Bandmasters Association Musical Performance Assessment(MPA) held on March 8, 2016 at First Baptist Church in Montgomery. This year was the first time in recent years that Montgomery Catholic has taken more than one band to theMPA , and the first time in school history that three bands from the school participated. The bands were, Intermediate Band, Advanced Band and Concert Band. Band Director Alex Johnson said, “All of our students did a great job, both musically and especially with their etiquette and conduct throughout the day while interacting with bands from other schools. The overall experience was great for everyone.” Johnson also made sure to credit to Mrs. Kristine Johnson who teaches Beginning Band and assists with the Intermediate at Montgomery Catholic in helping achevie these new milestones for the school. 

The Montgomery Catholic Band Ratings received at MPA were:I=Superior, II=Excellent. The MCPS Intermediate Band received I-I-I on stage and II in sight-reading. The band members are:Ines Gonzalez, Rachel Rodriguez, Alyssa Decker, Mai Ellington, Angela Gier, Carlo DeJesus, Molly Nicklay, Julliana Hincapie, Daniel Gacha, Victoria James, Nelson Parrish, Patrick Flores, Veronica Masters, Aidan Cochran, Connor Lee, Emily Riggles, Cacey Williams, Ethan Gilbert, Koen McDaniel, Jasmine Blakeney, Janie Roberts. 
Directed by Kristine Johnson.

The MCPS Advanced Band earned I-I-I on stage, I in sight-reading which equates to all “A” scores in every sub-caption on every score sheet from every judge. The Advanced BAnd could not have scored better. This is the first time a MCPS band has achieved this distinction. 
The members are: Ashley Hayes, Victoria Hall, Hannah Vaccaro, Lainie Doyle, Annie Reed, Kyla Stinson, Darian Riley, Katie Perkins, Ryan Meachum, Savannah Johnson, Charlie O’Donnell, Clayton Peeler, Robert Crawford, Ryan Avery, Jackson Penso, Sean Moore, Angela Gier, Mai Ellington, Emily Riggles.
Directed by Alex Johnson.

The Concert Band earned II-II-II on stage, and a I in sight-reading. The members are: Audrey Kim, Jennifer Doan, 

Irene Hong, Chloe Smith, Marie Bristol, Henry Petters, Logan Stevens, Mary Reagan Starrett, Maria Barragan,
Ashleigh Little, Alex Smith, Kernessia Gadson,Beth Vaughan,Hyuntaek Seo,Maggie Tippett,Jeremy Ramirez,
Jevon Murdock,Clint Williams, Jonah Gier, Ricky Treloar, John Faulkner, Cammie Brown, Ralph Clements, Maddie Losik, Victoria Hardy, Jonathan Guevara, Katie McDaniel, Chris Waring, David Bender, Zach Moore, Adam Bristol, Eric Crenshaw, Skye Alexander, Francisco Gonzalez, Ezequiel Gonzalez, Emily Talbot,
Nick Bowden, Lizzie Londell. Directed by Alex Johnson.

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