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Montgomery Catholic Students Participate in World Math Day 2009

Montgomery Catholic Students Participate in World Math Day 2009 1Montgomery Catholic students united with students and schools from around the world to set a new world record! This year’s event, held on March 4, 2009, had a total of 2,001,570 participants in 204 countries, who answered 452,681,681 questions in 48 hours!

The students play against each other in mental arithmetic games. Students are captivated by the fact that they are playing in real time. Each game lasts for 60 seconds and students can play as many games as they wish. The questions are appropriately leveled for different ages and abilities and is open to school aged private individuals and homeschoolers.

The inaugural World Math Day competition began in 2007.

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic fifth grader James Warner Cleghorn participates in World Math Day at St. Bede.

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