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Montgomery Catholic Students Give Back to the Community During Annual Lenten Service Day

Montgomery Catholic Students Give Back to the Community During Annual Lenten Service Day 1

“Even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve. And to give His life as a ransom for many.” Matthew 20:28. Serving others in our community is not only the focus of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s annual Lenten Service Day, but has been a part of the school’s mission since 1873.

Over 300 students and faculty members spent the morning of April 3 working at 18 locations around the River Region performing various tasks such working with children at the Children’s’ Center of Montgomery, organizing food at The Montgomery Area Food Bank, spending time with elderly residents, and cleaning up trails at YMCA’s Camp Grandview and Camp Chandler, among many other works of service throughout the community.

Senior Meghan Hodge reflected on her four years participating in the event. “Through serving others, I have come to realize that there’s more to life than just taking care of myself. It’s more about reaching out to the community and giving back because I wouldn’t be where I am if it weren’t for the sacrifices of others along the way. To see the joy in faces of the kids today just gives me such joy and I receive so much more by giving back.”

Among the organizations and agencies served by Montgomery Catholic high school students in the River Region were YMCA Camp Chandler, YMCA Camp Grandview, St. Bede Child Development Center, Montgomery Area Food Bank, Iron Men Outdoor Ministries: Hwy 331, Successful Living Center, Council on Aging: Newton, Council on Aging: Normandale, The Alabama Wildlife Federation, Iron Men Outdoor Ministries: Green Acres, The Archibald Center, Friendship Mission, The White Slough Restoration Project at Ida Belle Young Park, Council on Aging: Perry Hill, Habitat for Humanity, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, The Children’s Center, and Common Ground Ministries.

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic students cleaned the stream of debris and monitored the water quality at the White Slough Restoration Project at Ida Belle Young Park during the school’s annual Lenten Service Day. Pictured are Berkley Hall, Katherine Terino, Jarrett Mason, Lexie Segrest, Dom Godwin, Barbara Bradley, Hayden Ellis, David Norris, Giselle Sims, Kelly McGeehan, and Andrew Taylor.

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