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Montgomery Catholic Students Give Back to Community

Montgomery Catholic Students Give Back to Community 1by Anne Hails

Manual labor isn’t what most students look forward to when they return after spring break, but that’s exactly what many high school students from Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School did upon returning to school.

“Today was a great day for Montgomery Catholic on our first community service day,” said SGA president Gabby Moore, one of six students who delivered meals for Meals on Wheels.

“We helped gather and deliver food to the elderly and those less mobile. To see the gratitude they felt for simply delivering food left a lasting impression that there is no better feeling than when you are serving others. Today was a great day.”

Over 300 students and faculty members spent the morning working at 18 locations around the River Region doing various jobs such as cleaning up Remount Cemetery, working with children at the Children’s’ Center, and dredging out old spring beds at Camp Grandview and Camp Chandler.

The locations were arranged through the Volunteer and Information Center of Montgomery which matches groups and individuals to volunteer opportunities in the River Region. Among those organizations were Alabama Wildlife Federation, National Kidney Foundation, Gift of Life, Nellie Burge Community Center, Resurrection Catholic Missions, Salvation Army, Meals on Wheels, YMCA Camp Grandview, American Red Cross, Alabama Shakespeare Festival, Catholic Social Services, Children’s Center, Family Sunshine Center, Remount Cemetery, Britton YMCA, Montgomery Zoo, MANE Equestrian Center, and YMCA Camp Chandler.

“I think it was stupendous,” said high school principal Sue Vaughn, who coordinated most of the day. “All the sleepless nights I had were for nothing. The students worked so hard and were so enthusiastic about lending a hand in the community. I could not be more proud of our young people.”

Ms. Vaughn said this Lenten Season Service Project, a combined effort of students, faculty, parents, and administration, “instills in students a sense of service which fulfills our mission of the Catholic faith.”

Parent volunteer Gaylon McAlpine stopped by the office following the day of service just to say how much he enjoyed the day. “It was so much fun for me to get outside and work side by side with the students, getting to know them better. Neither of my children were at the same location with me and it was such a wonderful opportunity to see our young people work so hard for the benefit of others. They were hard workers, having fun, and really funny people at the same time. It was a great day not only for the students, but for the adults as well. I look forward to next year’s day of service.”

For more information about community volunteer opportunities, contact Anne Hails at the Volunteer and Information Center, (334) 264-4636, extension 1.

Pictured above: senior Madison Ortega poses with children at the Nellie Burge Community Center.

To view photos from the day, click here:

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