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Montgomery Catholic Students Enjoy YMCA’s Youth Judicial Program

Montgomery Catholic Students Enjoy YMCA's Youth Judicial Program 1Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Youth Judicial participants once again had a wonderfully successful weekend. Senior D’Jara Britton served as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, along with her Bailiff Clarissa Deal, presided over 16 judges, 16 bailiffs, several sheriffs, 12 Premiere League teams and 56 upper level teams, all taking part in the YMCA’s mock trial competition held at the Embassy Suites in downtown Montgomery.

Montgomery Catholic’s Premiere League team, Chad DuBois, Jordan Heymann, John Preston Houston, Zack Hulcher, Megan Karst, Caroline Smith, Jack Starr, and Mary Allison Tyner, learned all about courtroom procedure and ended up placing 2nd of all of the plaintiff teams.

Both of Montgomery Catholic’s upper level teams–plaintiff team Ryan Crutchfield, Anna Freedman, Jovon McCloud, Amalia Ortero, ML Shipman, Latajah Sigler, Alex Taylor, and Lizzie Terino–and defense team of Barbara Bradley, Walt Cobb, Dom Godwin, Kevin Norris, Lexie Segrest, Joseph Sutton, and Elizabeth Thrower–all met their gol and placed in the Top Ten!

Seniors Ashley Johnson and Fred Randall worked tirelessly as the press corps all weekend publishing daily newspapers that were distributed to the entire delegation.

Working with the Montgomery Catholic students were four incredible attorneys who willingly gave of their time and expertise. Joe Rech, husband of Middle School Guidance Counselor Sarah Rech, Melinda Perritano, wife of High School Dean of Students Steve Perritano, Melinda’s colleague Susan Turley, and Montgomery Catholic alumnae of 2002 Laurel Crawford helped our stduents preparer for this exciting competition.

When asked how this competition compared to football, senior Jovon McCloud replied by saying, “Football is just physical, but this was exhausting!”

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Youth Judicial Participants just before the competion began Lexie Segrest, Jordan Heymann, Chad DuBois, Amalia Ortero, Elizabeth Thrower, Latajah Sigler, Kevin Norris, Joseph Sutton, Dom Godwin, Barbara Bradley, Walt Cobb, Zack Hulcher, Mary Allison Tyner, Jack Starr, Megan Karst, and John Preston Houston.

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