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Montgomery Catholic Students attend Boys and Girls State at the University of Alabama

Two Montgomery Catholic Preparatory Seniors attended the 2013 American Legion Alabama Boys State and American Legion Auxiliary Alabama Girls State conventions at The University of Alabama. The convention was held June 9 -15, and enabled more than 1,000 students to try their hands at politics and community service. This was the first time that both conventions were held at the same time.

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MCPS Senior Alex Castanza with  Judge Pete Johnson,
Director of Boys State Alabama

Alabama Boys State and Girls State are leadership and government training programs. They are among the highest honors granted to high-school senior boys and girls. Students from around the state are chosen based on their demonstration of leadership, hard work, strong morals and motivation in school and community activities. MCPS students chosen to attend were Alex Castanza and Maddie O’Mara.

During the week, students conducted mock elections and learned about civic processes. Guest speakers included former Alabama Chief Justice Sue Bell Cobb and Tuscaloosa Mayor Walt Maddox.

Alex enjoyed the week. He was chosen as Chief Justice for Boys State, Alabama, and as an alternate for Boys Nation. He also attended a National Competition for Youth & Government in North Carolina. Alex is the son of Diane and Michael Castanza of Montgomery.

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MCPS Senior Maddie O’Mara attended
Girls State this summer.

Maddie O’Mara said, “It was an interesting week filled with learning about the electoral process, from the local level all the way up to the state level offices.  We heard from many inspirational speakers throughout the week, including Alabama Governor, Robert Bentley, and Lt. Governor, Kay Ivey.  They encouraged us to be active in our communities and to register to vote when we turn 18.”  While at Girls’ State, Maddie was appointed to the University of Alabama Board of Trustees by the newly elected Girls’ State Governor, Ashley Archer.  Maddie is the daughter of Michelle and Col. Ray O’Mara of Montgomery.

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