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Montgomery Catholic Seniors Engaged Using Technology in the Classroom

Montgomery Catholic Seniors Engaged Using Technology in the Classroom 1

For the first time since Montgomery Catholic began its one-to-one innovative in 2013, the senior class has daily use of laptops.  Increased access to technology for each student has led to a better use of existing technology.  For example, in Mrs. LaFond’s classes, students have been using for years to submit papers.  Now, they are able to participate in a class discussion board.  Students enjoy connecting to friends in other class periods, viewing multiple responses to questions, extending responses, and documenting class discussion.  Not only is their online discussion an opportunity to better understand class material, but they will also be better prepared for college since most college courses incorporate online discussion boards in course assessments. Montgomery Catholic Senior English teacher Mrs. Amanda Lafond said “Amazing things are going on in my classroom, the students are engaged and actively discussing class assignments with their peers. It is exciting to see them engaged and excited about class discussions in a new way.” After the success in the English 12 courses, other teachers are looking to utilize this valuable and exciting feature. Montgomery Catholic is proud of the faculty’s initiative and leadership in integrating technology is such useful ways, continuing the long tradition of preparing students for college.

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