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Montgomery Catholic Represented at 2019 Alabama Youth Legislature

Montgomery Catholic Represented at 2019 Alabama Youth Legislature 1Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School had another great year at the YMCA Youth in Government Youth Legislature with the largest number of delegates attending from MCPS in the past few years. Junior Aidan Firman served as a Justice on the Supreme Court. Seniors Christian Friday, Nick Brown and Austin Collett were recognized with honor cords for participating every year in high school. Junior Anna Sadie was chosen as the 2nd alternate delegate to the YMCA Youth Conference on National Affairs this summer, which is a big accomplishment.

Our first-year delegates did exceptionally well, with Freshmen Zach Izer, Julienne Pharrams, and

Montgomery Catholic Represented at 2019 Alabama Youth Legislature 2

Titus Franklin being recognized as Outstanding Statesmen. Bills by Julienne Pharrams and Aniya Lowery, as well as Zach Izer, were debated and passed on the floor, and Zach Izer’s bill “Abolishing Solitary Confinement for Juveniles” was one of just fourteen bills signed into law by the Youth Governor.

The Youth Legislature delegates for Montgomery Catholic this year are Austin Collett, Christian Friday, Nick Brown, Jack Burt, Aidan Firman, Patrick Flores, Michael Hodges, Anna Sadie, Ellie Pool, Ada Zeigler, Will Driver, Titus Franklin, Zach Izer, Aniya Lowery, and Julienne Pharrams.

According to the YMCA Youth in Government website, this program “gives youth the opportunity to learn firsthand about government and civic issues by taking an active role in the democratic process, boosting youth development and contributing to a stronger community.” The Youth Legislature program is a mock legislature that teaches students bill writing, lobbying, and parliamentary procedure, as well as helping to develop leadership skills and knowledge of public policy.

Montgomery Catholic Represented at 2019 Alabama Youth Legislature 3

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