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Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s New Holy Spirit Campus dedicated by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s New Holy Spirit Campus dedicated by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi 1
The Pastor of Holy Spirit, Rev. Patrick R. Driscoll, Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi and Rev. Msgr. F. Charles Troncale, Pastor Emeritus bless the new building.
The Holy Spirit Catholic Church Parish along with Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School celebrated the dedication of the new Holy Spirit Education Complex on Sunday, August 12th.  The first new building in the Education Complex will serve as both Religious Education classrooms and church meeting rooms for the Parish and as the second elementary campus for Montgomery Catholic, joining the St. Bede Campus in serving students pre-kindergarten through 6th grades.
The dedication ceremony began with Mass at 11 AM at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, followed by the dedication and blessing of the complex by Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi. The Pastor of Holy Spirit, Rev. Patrick R. Driscoll, welcomed guests as the ceremony began.  Special recognition and speakers included: Rev. Msgr. F. Charles Troncale, Pastor Emeritus; Mr. Nap Barranco, Chairman of the Options Committee; and Mrs. Anne Ceasar, President of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School; all of whom spoke of the excitement of the project and the success and joy of opening a new school.  The celebration concluded with classroom tours and lunch in the Parish Hall. The hosts of the day’s events were: Holy Spirit’s Pastoral Council, Finance Council, Building in the Spirit Committee and the Knights of Columbus.
The new campus comprised of 19.6 acres has completed Phase I, which includes the 26,000 square-foot two-story classroom building for pre-kindergarten through 6th grades.  Phase II will include a multi-purpose building that will house the gym and finally, Phase III will include a Church and School Administrative building. 
Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School, founded in 1873 is the oldest continually operating non-public school in the state of Alabama.  As it opens for classes on August 20th, the Holy Spirit elementary campus, located at 8580 Vaughn Road across from the Wynlakes subdivision, will serve the growing Holy Spirit Parish and add a fourth campus for MCPS. Joining the St. Bede elementary campus, and the middle and high school campuses. Montgomery Catholic offers K4 through grade 12 and is accredited by SACS.
Visit for more information or call the school office at 334-649-4404.

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