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Montgomery Catholic Hosts National Honor Society Induction Ceremony

Montgomery Catholic Hosts National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 1
2017-18 NHS President Paige Rentfro
congratulates Anna Catherine Barranco,
who will serve as the 2018-19 NHS President.

The Loretto Chapter of the National Honor Society at Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School inducted twenty-two new members into their society during an Induction Ceremony Monday, February 26, 2018 in Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School’s Dolly Barranco Activity Center.

The National Honor Society (NHS), established in 1921, is a national recognition program for students who show achievement in scholarship, leadership, service, and character. High School students are selected for membership through an application process and are selected by the faculty council. Candidates must meet the chapter’s requirement for scholarship, service, leadership and character in order to be selected for membership. Continued participation in service projects and upholding the ideals of the school are required to retain membership. Members must also maintain the chapter’s required cumulative grade point average.

The newest members of the Loretto Chapter are juniors: Mitch Aaron, Annie Bach, Anna Catherine Barranco, Isabelle Cochran, Austin Collett, Jacob Flowers, Christian Friday, Nico Gacha, Katie Galvin, Emma Gandy, Jonah Gier, Reagan Herbek, Tate Holifield, Jacob Holston, Caroline Justice, Zy’Keria King,  Zac Kroeger, Grace Leslie, Maddie Losik, Kathleen Madden, Thomas McLaughlin, Claire Mills, Zoe Rutland, Chloe Smith, Virginia Speirs, Sydney Sprowl, Emily Claire Talbot, Melody Taylor, Amaris Tyynismaa, and Grant Walker, along with new senior members James Avery, Lauren Beverly, Sophie Boyd, Amanda Brouillard, Nicole Foronda, Briana Hollinger, Hannah Kate Magee, and Kyriacos Philippou who also received honor cords.

Montgomery Catholic Hosts National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 2
New Class of 2018 and 2019 Montgomery Catholic NHS Members. 

The Class of 2018 members of NHS who received their honor cords were: Johnny An, James Avery, Aimee Azar, Carrie Belsterling, Lauren Beverly, Sophie Boyd, Amanda Brouillard, Alex Brockmann, Trinity Carter, Jessie Clark, Luke Craig, Katie Fischer, Nicole Foronda, Peter Garland, Hannaley Haigler, Ryne Herbek, Briana Hollinger, Ryan Janson, Hannah Kate Magee, Garrett McGinn, Jenni Morgan, Kamryn Morris, Colin Neal, Chloe Newell, Anna Nutting, Henry Petters, Kyriacos Philippou, Paige Rentfro, Annabel Starrett, Matthew Taylor, Aleigha Walden, Angela Wheat, Chalsea Williams

A reception hosted by the senior National Honor Society members for the new members and their families immediately followed the ceremony. Mrs. Stefanie Nelson acts as the faculty sponsor for Montgomery Catholic’s National Honor Society.

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