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Montgomery Catholic Honors Top Accelerated Readers at St. Bede

Montgomery Catholic Honors Top Accelerated Readers at St. Bede 1Accelerated Reader is a tool that allows our students to read and then test on Accelerated Reader books. This program helps the teacher, student and parent steer the children to books that they can comfortable read and comprehend. It is most important that the student comprehends what they read. Students are to be at 85% accuracy or better.

At Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede Campus, 70 students in first through sixth grade were chosen to ride in the AR limo. Those students were Jason Flowers, Katherine O’Connor, Reed Gaston, Peter Rossi, Chas Allison, Michael Hodges, Charlie O’Donnell, Virginia Dene, Anna DuBois, Skye Alexander, Tess Casey, Julia Rodriquez, Margaret Ann Allen, Madison Gaston.

Ezequiel Gonzalez, Rachel Davis, Annie Bach, Mary Katherine Foley, Cameron White, Jeanet Stephenson, Emily Claire Talbot, Annamary Gilbert, Ethan Macchia, Anna Catherine Barranco, Jacob Flowers, Rachel Casey, Matthew Klinger, Grace Leslie, Katie Stembridge, Angela Gier, Camille Morgan, Peyton Parker, Koen McDaniel, Matthew Barranco, Eli Starrett, Abraham Preston, Carlo DeJesus, Bailey Cowley, David Bender, Adam Bristol, Will Couey, Tyler Barranco, Charles Deuter.

Brendan Benning, Steven Higgins, Eric Crenshaw, Blake Johnson, Jordan Gill, Patrick Wood, Katelyn Stark, Hannaley Haigler, Annabel Starrett, Ann Williams, Ryne Herbek, Marcelo Villena, Niko Dever, Frank Rossi, Marissa Dogan, Courtney Wallace, Madison Searcy, Lacy Herbek, Maria Rossi, Lexie Bourgeouis, Emily Barranco, Claire Fischer, Anna Marie Koerner, Nadine Moussalli, Megan Stembridge, Mary Reagan Starrett, and Tori Harris.

Thanks go to the generous donation from the St. Bede Parent Teacher Council which helped to provide funds for the limousine and prizes throughout the school year. Not only were the students driven around in style in a Hummer Limousine from Touch of Class, but they also were treated to a delicious lunch. All the students had a blast! Many students upon exiting the limo, commented, “That was so cool!”

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic’s top Accelerated Readers at St. Bede anxiously await their special limousine ride.

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