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Montgomery Catholic Crowns Homecoming Court

Montgomery Catholic Crowns Homecoming Court 1Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School crowned their Homecoming Queen and King during the half-time festivities on Friday, October 19th. Homecoming week was filled with spirited theme days and activities which kept the enthusiasm strong through the weekend.

The 2007 Homecoming Court is Freshmen Attendant Liz Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Brett Armstrong, escorted by Barr Younker, son of Col. and Mrs. Barr Younker. Sophomore Attendant is Jessica Barranco, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barranco, escorted by James Dugan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dugan. Junior Attendant is Grace Carl, daughter of Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Carl, escorted by her twin brother Peter Carl. Senior Attendant is Patricia Larriuz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Larriuz, escorted by Alex Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taylor. Senior Attendant is Gaybrielle Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Moore, escorted by James Watkins, grandson of Mrs. Annie Watkins. Senior Attendant is Lena Bachstaedter, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Gerhard Bachstaedter, escorted by Nick Moussalli, son of Drs. Samir and Cinzia Moussalli.

The 2007 Homecoming Queen is Meridith Anile, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Anile, escorted by the 2007 Homecoming King Brad Kondrak, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tomas Kondrak. The 2006 Homecoming Queen & King, Kristin Sutton and Bob Weber, crowned the 2007 court during the football game. The Homecoming Dance was held the following night at the RSA Activity Center. To view pictures from the game, click here:

Montgomery Catholic Crowns Homecoming Court 2

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