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Montgomery Catholic Athletes are Trained to be S.A.C.R.E.D.

Montgomery Catholic Athletes are Trained to be S.A.C.R.E.D. 1At the beginning of each school year, the Montgomery Catholic Athletics Department holds a one-day Character Education Seminar, “SACRED”, for all student-athletes and their parents. SACRED is an acronym for the virtues of the athletic program: Sportsmanship, Accountability, Courage and Competitiveness, Responsibility, Enthusiasm, and Discipline. A member of the athletic staff presents a short presentation on each virtue.

The SACRED Program culminates with a special guest speaker who discusses how the SACRED virtues have effected his or her life, both personally and professionally.

This year, Montgomery Catholic was honored to have Mr. Chet Moeller to make this year’s keynote address. Mr. Moeller is a member of the 2010 class of the National Football Hall of Fame. Moeller was an All-America Defensive Back at the United States Naval Academy in 1975. Moeller discussed each SACRED virtue and their influence on his life, both on and off the playing field. Over 350 student-athletes and their parents filled the room for this year’s presentation.

Pictured: Mr. Chet Moeller and Montgomery Catholic senior Brian Saunders at Montgomery Catholic’s SACRED Character Education Day.

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