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Middle School Elects Student Council

Middle School Elects Student Council 1Seventh Grade Representatives: front: Savannah Harvey, John Preston Houston, & Scott Barranco. Back: Charlie Anderson, John Talbot, Brittney Wilkinson, & Jessica Mount (Not pictured: Morgan Foxworth).
Middle School Elects Student Council 2
Eighth Grade Representatives: front: Autumn Guillot, Ian Sweet, Sarah Krause, Nolan Plate, & Kelsey Donohue. back: Molly McLaughlin, Stuart Wood, Kevin Taylor, & Asha Stann (Not Pictured: Matt Simmons).
Middle School Elects Student Council 3
Officers: President Aaron Weber, Vice President Jessica Barranco, Secretary Ashley Johnson, and Chaplain MacKenzie Thompson.

Students in the seventh and eighth grades recently elected their representatives for the 2005-2006 school year. Operating from a true middle school model, the students meet in “N.O.W.” (No Opportunity Wasted) advisory groups each morning where they discuss topics such as organization, peer relations, and upcoming school related issues with an advisor. Each NOW group elects a representative to the student council. The Seventh Grade Representatives are Charlie Anderson, Scott Barranco, Morgan Foxworth, Savannah Harvey, John Preston Houston, Jessica Mount, John Talbot, and Brittney Wilkinson. The Eighth Grade Representatives are Kelsey Donohue, Autumn Guillot, Sarah Krause, Molly McLaughlin, Nolan Plate, Matt Simmons, Asha Stann, Ian Sweet, Kevin Taylor, and Stuart Wood. Leading the Student Council this year are President Aaron Weber, Vice President Jessica Barranco, Secretary Ashley Johnson, and Chaplain MacKenzie Thompson.

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