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MCPS Middle and High School Campuses Start the Year with a Blessing

MCPS Middle and High School Campuses Start the Year with a Blessing 1

Montgomery Catholic Preparatory is thankful for the involvement and gifts that our Parish clergy bring to campus. The 2013-2014 school year at MCPS received a gift on August 29 when Father Patrick Arensberg blessed all of the classrooms at our Middle and High School campus. With the assistance of 7-12 principal Chad Barwick, Father Arensberg visited each room and asked God to bless the room and all those who use it. Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School is an integral part of the Catholic Church’s mission to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, while preparing students for college and beyond, helping them grow to become persons of faith, virtue, and wisdom. The school is proud to be celebrating 140 years of education in Montgomery, and with the gift of dedication from area Priests and Deacons the school looks forward to continuing its mission for another 140 years. 

Father Arensberg is Associate Pastor at St. Bede the Venerable Catholic Church, he is also a regular visitor and guest speaker in MCPS K4 – 12 classrooms on a regular basis.

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