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MCPS Library

Our Elementary Campuses participate in the Accelerated Reader program.

Accelerated Reader is a reading program that is used in grades 1-6 at our elementary campuses.  Initially, students take an assessment on the computer to determine the reading level(s) that will be the most beneficial for the growth of each student.  Ideally, the reading level will challenge the student at a level where he/she is still able to succeed.  With their ZPDs (zone of proximal development), students know what level books will be best for them to read to become a stronger reader. Books in our library are color-coded to assist with this.

We do not use AR(Accelerated Reader) as a grading tool.  AR is an “extra” that students will use to “push themselves” to become stronger readers.  

Students become more proficient, confident readers the more that they read, are read to, and see others(parents) reading.  Reading should be fun.  We encourage students of every age to read daily.