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Marching Knights Perform at Troy Marching Band Festival

The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School Marching Knights performed along with high school bands from all over Alabama and Florida at theSoutheastern States Marching Band Festival on Saturday, October 6. The Band was rated an overall “Excellent” by the judges, and the Drum-line, Color Guard, and Drum Major Kristina Vanella received “Superior” ratings in their individual captions. Congratulations Marching Knights!

Marching Knights Perform at Troy Marching Band Festival 1
Photo from Left to right: Will Brunson (11), Kaleb Libby (11),Kristina Vanella (11), Olivia Nobles (10), Ashley Sulzby (10) and William Russell (10) Photo Credit to Diane Vanella

Marching Knights Perform at Troy Marching Band Festival 2Marching Knights Perform at Troy Marching Band Festival 3

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