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Tolbert Leaving Montgomery Catholic

Jim Tolbert, athletic director at Montgomery Catholic for the past five years, has resigned to take another position in athletic administration. Tolbert’s resignation is effective June 30.

“Leaving Montgomery Catholic is bittersweet,” Tolbert said. “God truly blessed me with the opportunity to work at Montgomery Catholic and be a part of the wonderful Christian family environment. Leading the athletic program and working with student-athletes and their families has been extremely rewarding, and certainly made my decision to leave very difficult.

“But, the new job opportunity will allow me to continue to have a positive impact on the lives of even more student-athletes and their families, and it is one I cannot pass up,” he said.

Montgomery Catholic President Anne Ceasar said Tolbert will be missed.

“I wish Jim much happiness and success in his new position,” said Ceasar. “He is a professional in every sense of the word and has helped lead Montgomery Catholic to a new level in athletics.”

During Tolbert’s tenure as athletic director, Montgomery Catholic established its varsity wrestling program and added other sports teams, such as junior varsity softball, and middle school and junior varsity soccer. More than two-thirds of the students in grades 7-12 at Montgomery Catholic participate in at least one sport.

“It’s hard to put into words how much I have enjoyed being at Montgomery Catholic. I so appreciate the many people who have supported Catholic’s athletic department. It has been a tremendous experience.”

The search for a new athletic director has begun with the appointment of a five-person search committee. Applications for the position will be open from June 10 until June 23, with a goal of having a new athletic director in place by August 1.

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