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St. Bede Scores Big at Science Olympiad Competition

St. Bede Scores Big at Science Olympiad Competition 1

The St. Bede Science Olympiad team places again this year at the annual Elementary Science Olympiad held at Jacksonville High School in Jacksonville, AL. The Science Olympiad team is under the direction of Ms. Melanie Grayson, Mr. Larry Meiers, and Mr. Nick Bourke. The team took third place in the overall competition. Individual students won 5 first place medals, 8 second place medals and 2 third place medals for their performance in various competitions. Members of the St. Bede Science Olympiad Team are Sixth graders Josh Stark, Forrest Taylor, Wheeler Ronan, Ben Crocker, Forrest Phillips, Dominic Godwin, Mallyna Sessions, Kevin Norris. Fifth graders Ian Ginnaty, Chase Forshey, David Norris, Giselle Sims, Jarrett Mason, Broghan Freeland, Zach Hulcher, Connor Preston. Fourth graders Ann Marie Dean, Alex Castanza, Tara Bourke, Anna Mills, Clay Ronan, Patrick McGinn, Geoffrey Myers, William Mitchell.

Pictured: St. Bede Science Olympiad Team members pose with their Third Place trophy at the Elementary Science Olympiad competition at Jacksonville High School.

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