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St. Bede Elects Student Council for 2005-06

St. Bede Elects Student Council for 2005-06 1

Students at St. Bede Elementary recently elected their student council representatives for the 2005-2006 school year. This year the student council will be led by Mary Ashley Allen as President, Keenan Plate as Vice-President, Megan Foran as Secretary, and Ingrid Peifer as the Chaplain.

Pictured above is the Student Council for 2005-2006.
Row 1: Tony Stojak, Anna Mills, Rachel Fry, Ashley Barranco, James Sherman, Kyle Berher, Shelby Taff, Callie Wilkinson, Sterling Anderson, & Zack Hulcher Row 2: Forrest Taylor, Kelly McGeehan, Dominic Godwin, Josh Stark,. Elizabeth Karst, Mallyna Sessions, Chaplain Ingrid Peifer, Secretary Megan Foran, Vice-President Keenan Plate, President Mary Ashley Allen.

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