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The Cullen Family

Military Family Spotlight
Colonel Timothy Cullen, Air Force
We have six kids attending MCPS and our oldest is at the University of Pennsylvania. We just moved back to Montgomery this summer after three years in Hawaii. I am from South Dakota but grew up all over as an Air Force brat, and Tim is from Wisconsin. Tim and I have moved eleven times together and have had kids in tow for our last nine moves. Our seven children were born in five different states: Ian, Kean (Junior), Aidan (Freshman), Finn (8th Grade), Zuzu (6th Grade), Caitlin (3rd Grade), and Megan (1st Grade). Every move and assignment has been an adventure for us.
We have had Air Force friends who have sent their kids to MCPS and they always spoke highly of the school.
It was the best choice for our family for many reasons. Each campus feels like family—everyone is very welcoming; the education, teachers and sports are great; and our children receive religion in their education.
It is challenging to pick what we love the most. I love that our kids have made good friends, are growing in their faith and education, and are enjoying going to school. We will miss Catholic when we move and are thankful that the Air Force chose to send us to Montgomery again.