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Science Olympiad Team Wins Second Place at Competition

Science Olympiad Team Wins Second Place at Competition 1The Science Olympiad Team from Montgomery Catholic’s St. Bede Campus took home the 2nd place trophy at the Science Olympiad Competition held at Jacksonville High School on February 24th. The area event is an 8-hour day-long competition with 28 events from various disciplines.

The Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization devoted to improving the quality of science education, increasing student interest in science, and providing recognition for outstanding achievement in science education by both students and teachers. The Science Olympiad is also designed to encourage classroom teachers to explore new and challenging ways of teaching science. Students who participate in the Science Olympiad are taught advanced science through active, hands-on participation. All events involve teamwork, group planning, cooperation, and promote team spirit and good sportsmanship.

St. Bede has consistently ranked in the top spots at both area and state Science Olympiad competitions over the past several years. Students received medals in 12 events in addition to winning the 2nd place trophy on February 24th. St. Bede Science Olympiad Team members are Jacob Hulcher, Sean Federspill, Mary Janet McLaughlin, Aliceann Harper, Paige Barranco, Rachel Patterson, Tara Bourke, Anna Mills, Allie Micher, Ryan Hill, James Sherman, Ann Marie Dean, Ashley Barranco, Alex Castanza, Patrick McGinn, Clay Ronan, Zach Hulcher, Giselle Simms, Will Littleton, Stone Miller, Patrick Foran, Matthew Neo, Connor Preston, and Broghan Freeland. The team is sponsored by St. Bede faculty Mr. Nick Bourke, Mr. Larry Meiers, and Miss Melanie Grayson.

Pictured: Montgomery Catholic Science Olympiad Team from St. Bede pose with 2nd place trophy at Jacksonville High School.

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