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Scholarship Opportunity for Seniors

Ben and Alice Tokarz Memorial Scholarship for School Year 2007-2008

James Thibodaux, Grand Knight Council 893, Knights of Columbus, announces applications for the Ben and Alice Tokarz Memorial Scholarship, for school year 2007-2008, are now available at The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School office. This memorial scholarship is in memory of Ben and Alice Tokarz, deceased parents of the Reverend David Tokarz. Father Tokarz is past pastor of Saint Bede the Venerable Catholic Church and a past faculty member of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School.

The Ben and Alice Tokarz Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to a graduating senior of Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School who exhibits superior academic achievement, active involvement in student government, other noteworthy extra-curricular activities, and demonstrates student leadership qualities.

For school year 2007-2008, Saint Bede Council 893 voted to provide a scholarship in the amount of $1,000. Completed and certified applications must arrive at The Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School office by March 31, 2008 and to Council 493, Knights of Columbus, by April 10, 2008 to be considered.
The name of the selected graduates will be announced in early May 2008 and presentation of the scholarship will take place on Senior Day, May 23, 2008.

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